Sunday, November 19, 2006


What's up?
All our gladiators have been very quiet recently...nothing interesting to share, or life is just too busy to blog?
I have been busy too recently.
After coming back from my Yunnan holidays, there were basically no time to rest.
Even the week ends were occupied.
And, despite being sick, I still have to travel to Manila last week for some customer visits.

Yeah, finally, I am back to action (to blog).
Well, I was thinking to share my experience of the Yunnan tour with you guys, but, most of the feelings, excitement have cooled down since I hv already back for so long.
Anyway, just to share some of the photos with you, hope you'll like it.

1- 七彩云南

2- 石林

3- 昆明地标:金马碧鸡

4- 大理古城

5- 大理苍山 庙宇

6- 虎跳峡

7- 香格里拉 大草原

8- 香格里拉 大金钟

9- 藏族古屋

10- 藏族白塔

11- 玉龙雪山

12 - 玉龙雪山

13- 玉龙雪山

14- 玉龙雪山

15- 玉龙雪山脚下风光

16- 牦牛戏水于玉龙雪山脚下

17- 昆明大观楼

18- 昆明花市

19- 昆明花市