Saturday, August 18, 2007

Unlucky Day

17May Friday while i was rushing my work, someone from next door came into my office and shout "WGA 26" whose car ? Shock,what happened to may car ? My car mirror was broken. I quickly check if my CD player is there? hey .... nothing was stolen. Infact i did not put anything in my car. The uncle next door told me not only my car kena, there were another car kena side mirror. Poor me!! this cost me RM$320 to change a new one although i could claim insurance.
This month very 倒楣.

  1. Kena saman
  2. Issued wrong passenger name have to pay re-issue fee myself
  3. Overlook fish market (Sydney) in the final itinerary cause tour leader missed out this sightseeing and i kena complaint from organizer
  4. Car's mirrow was broken without any reason.

I drove at speed 20-30 from my office Cheras back home, took me 40 minutes to reach home, usually take me 15-20 minutes. I drove at left lane, put on double signal, these impatient driver hon me. Hey!! come on i was not purposely drivng slow, didn't they see my mirror was broken? why should they follow me so close until not able to cut me. ? Why so impatient ?

After sending my car to workshop at Subang Indah PJS 11 (near Sunway College). I stop a taxi to send me to Summit Square, do you guy know how much the taxi driver charge me ? "Sepuluh Ringgit lah ... Ah Moi" Wah!! RM$10 for a short distance ... NO WAY!!! Can't remember how many taxi i stopped until i met a kind Pacik to send me there by meter, only cost me RM$3.20 and i pay the Pacik RM$5.

Story not ending yet ... After i finished i need a taxi to go home. Again, the taxi driver charge me RM$30 from Summit Square to Sri Petaling. "What the hell" all these driver ? (sorry!! i really very angry) . Finally, it cost me RM$14.00 back home with free "Immuse system" lesson (hahah..) the taxi drive is doing diret selling.

Not yet finish ... I called taxi to send me to workshop collect my car. Again, this lady very rude and impolite, ask me in Cantonese "地址,去那里,电话" then put down the phone. I was shock and not sure if there's any taxi or not.

What an unlucky day form me !!??!!


Blogger evelyn said...

Hey Sammi....if I recall correctly, this is your first post, right?

Sorry to hear those unlucky events that happened to you.

I think all of us have not taken public transport (taxi or bus) for a long time, until we do not know what's the 'world out there'.

FYI, sometimes when I come back KL w/o driving, I will take LRT or public bus. It reminds me of those school days that we have to 'fight' to get on to the bus, not even thinking of getting a seat.

The public bus nowadays are all air-conditioned, more timely, and most of the time is not very crowded (may be I didn't go out during rush hours). I guess, this is called 'improvement'.

Well, having a car to drive is such a lucky thing and we will only realise it when we don't have it one day. Right?

Anyway, don't worry, be happy and good luck to you!

7:00 PM  
Blogger Su Yin said...

something happened to my car too, i went for interview, my 2nd interview, when i was done, i was hesitate on going to toilet or not as i am afraid the jam out there will put me into truoble. i put my car keys on top of handbag, (handbag was hang at the back of the door), the next thing i know was when i took thr handbag, the keys fell into the lubang of the toilet bowl, couldnt be seen, "die also no body"..sad... my dad told me need 200 to install another set of alarm as i also drop the alarm together with the key.

worst still is i didnt get the job now, in the morning, boss said drafting offer letter, afternoon he said media and communication are secondary to business.

i am in the process of securing another job, this time keep quiet first. very embarassing if i didnt get...

well, i took rapid kl from bukit bintang to klcc 2 weeks ago, not bad wo... also not peak hour lor

1:20 AM  

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