Monday, October 09, 2006

Welcome Aidan Kow!

Yo all!

I'm a second time father today - Aidan Kow, looks like Brad Pitt, just like the father. Aidan can't wait to get out by 11:01am today, which is about 1 week earlier than the scheduled 16th Oct.

Why Aidan? Well, is one character from a Barbie Movie, a Prince Charming, of course. My daughter just insisted on that name (he will freak out later if he knows that I name him after a character in Barbie movie..). Well, not my fault, blame his sister.....

Still struggling to think of Aidan's Chinese name. Well.... with a weird surname like mine, is kind of difficult to find a name that rhymes... "Kow Wong Choy", "Kow Ah Kow", "Kow Fatt Tat", "Kow Tai Fok", "Kow Tak Wah"..... Difficult!

Any suggestion is welcome.


Blogger sammi said...

Congratulations! 一个 "好".
Can tell us the secret behind now ? How accurancy it was ? 99% ? So, where's your baby born ? Shanghai? then should named "Kow Yong Fatt" since 上海滩-许文强 is so famous (hehehe...) .

8:27 AM  
Blogger sammi said...

aiyah !! a named just came into my mind, why not call 许文强 since your surname is 许 also. Good idea ?

8:29 AM  
Blogger Frogigolo said...

well, the secret is "Choice Baby". Cost RM1,800 about 12 months ago :D.

Accurary is not 99% for me - it is 100% :D

7:33 PM  
Blogger evelyn said...

Ya! I heard of the baby sex choosing program, and if it comes out to be inaccurate, they will refund to you. Not bad a least 50-50 bet!
Anyway, congrats again to Kow!
Who's next to become a parent again? After Seng, Kow....must be PL. Or, is someone catching up?

4:26 PM  
Blogger evelyn said...

BTW, I'm now in Changi Airport, taking off to Penang for a 1-day trip, haiz....problem la...hv to go see a customer to solve some problems.
And, tomorrow, I will be driving back to KL, and then, start my trip to Yunnan :)

4:28 PM  

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