Sunday, May 07, 2006

6th May - Booze Abuse, Violence, Sex, Money & Other Bizarre Discussions

6th May 06 was the most bizzare day of our gathering history thus far, I think.

Booze abuse, sex, violence, money.... you name it, you got it. Anyhow, I think it was a kick a** day! Totally stunning! I had fun man. Wish we can have more of these psycho booze orgy more often.

Too bad that I did not bring my camera that day. Thus, have to settle with this low quality photo from Peter's mobile phone. What a shame that we only took one picture....

BTW, Peter Cheong was not in the pic as he was taking this photo after severe alcohol abuse...... (now you know why the pic is not sharp lar)

Seafood orgy
The gathering started as early as 6:30pm at a seafood restaurant in Damansara Perdana. Heard that they ordered 2 plates of crab, 1 fish, and donno how many other plates of pork, vege and tau fu lar..... the bill came out at only RM121 (I wasn't there to witness, went to another dinner). Can someone please update us on what happen during that mysterios 3 hours of dinner? How come the seafood so cheap one...... ?

Severe Booze Abuse
At 9:30pm, we gathered at the same old good place, Casa Vino Cellar, The Curve.

Did anyone of you count how many bottles of wine we gulp in that night? I think it was 7 bottles!
  • 2 bottles of red wine at the beginning
  • 2 bottles of donno how much of sparkling rose wine
  • 1 bottle of bloody expensive red wine
  • 1 bottle of red wine from me after Peter's challenge
  • 1 bottle of donno how much red wine from France, courtesy of Clive
There were 10 of us that night. Counting out Seng's wife who didn't drink because she is pregnant, there were 9 of us left to finish off the booze. Also, counting out Sammi and Wai Hoong who didn't drink that much, on average, I must say we drank almost 1 bottle of wine per person.
Can't really summarise what we had discussed that night, everyone seems to make sense during the first 2 bottles. Then the discussions went a bit puzzling after the third bottle. I must say that the "man of the match" that day was Peter Cheong. Not only he can drink, he can also talk like a machine gun that went out of control, especially after 4 glasses of wine..... Su Yin drank like a fish too. Think I vaguely remember that at one point, she has two glasses of wine in her hands........

Bravo to our ruthless fund manager! Our KCSF made RM500! Thanks to Shiao Wei! I made RM18 with RM1k investment - about 1.8% return.....

Hiring An Assassin
Somehow, we were on the topic of "how much does a person's life worth" that night. This bizarre discussion started off by 林晓X, albeit, after one bottle of wine. I realised that one's life doesn't really cost that much....

I must give credit to 林晓X for an eye opening info sharing session. Coupled with Peter's confirmation on what a foreign assassin would do....

Arm = RM200
Leg = RM200
Head = RM500
D**K = RM1,000
(Conclusion - d**k worth more than the head)

Peter said Thailand hit man is the best thus far.... Kill someone and vanish forever without ever being caught. Donno how true. But think I will know very soon if I continue to make fun of him on this blog....... (better stop making fun of him now....)

Some how, both Clive and I feel that 林晓X has a very strong charisma of being a "tai kar cheh".... natural born leader.....

Anyway, it was fun overall. Seng and Pang Ling left at about 12:30pm... I think. The rest continued to talk till 1:30.... or was it 2?

Thanks to Sammi, she gave Clive and myself a ride back home.... So nice of her.... I a bit "kia see" as scared of being caught after drinking. Thus, didn't drive. Reach home at 3:30am.

After tonight, donno when we can have another drinking session again....

Good luck everyone.


Blogger evelyn said...

Can't believe that you guys can only share this photo!

3:01 AM  

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