Saturday, April 29, 2006

Met Clive Today At His House

Venue: His house

Food: Steamboad using rice cooker... hey, this is new to me. Now I know that rice cooker can be a good source for steam boat too. Extremely delicious steamboat feast. Love it a lot. Very creative idea from Clive mom.

In The Pic: Clive, His future sister-in-law, Ann - our common friend, his mother and me - the crab eyes nonsence, taking the pic - my wife.

Met Clive today. He is back for holiday and just came back from Shanghai, the place where I suppose to go in 5 weeks time. He gave me some advise on how to tackle the arrogant Shanghaineses too.

He is off to Bali tomorrow. Since I didn't enjoy quite much with Bali, gave him my two cents worth of the places to avoid too.

So, gang, this saturday, 6th May meeting is on. He'll be there. You guys can go for dinner first and I join in later yeah. See you all again....

Can anyone offer to pick him up on the 6th May? I can't - got dinner. I can send him back home.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Jakun & Technology Again - Submitting Tax Online - e-Filing

Have you all submit your tax? No, someone good news
(Click Here) The Star: New Deadline for e-Filing as long as you submit your BE form via online, you'll have until 31st May to do so. If you submit via the conventional way, then too bad lar, the deadline is this Friday!

I submitted mine (and my wife) via e-Filing. Overall, it was a pretty good experience. As I always tell people, of all the government agencies in Malaysia, IRB and EPF are the two most efficient one. Very responsive and they know what they are talking about.

For those whom have not tried the e-Filing, these are the steps you need to follow:
  1. Go to any IRB branch to get your Digital Certificate - you need the pin number to log in
  2. You can either fill up there and there or go home and do it at your own leisure (we chose the later)
  3. Log on to and the screen above will show
You can collect the Digital Certificate on behalf of someone. What you need is the name of the person and his/her IC number. You can also ask someone to collect for you too.

Once you are in the e-Filing page, you first need to register your Digital certificate. I screwed up on this process twice! Screwed it up so badly that my wife have to collect the DC again from IRB office!

Here was what happened, somehow, I missed the page to key in the username and password (twice), the page just didn't go according to the order. Pay attention when you are in the page of setting security level (think is middle) by default (and that is how I screwed it up). You need to adjust it to "High".

Once you register your DC, you can now download the electronic BE form. Yes, you will need to download first, then install the program in your PC.


You need to turn off your firewall to do so. If not, it will block the download. Also, pay extra attention on the setting of the security level as mentioned above.

This is the result after the installation. Just fill it up accordingly. Pretty cool, it has "copy" function (where you can copy the home address to mailing address). It also has the auto sum function to calculate your taxable income.

If you are not sure and screw up something, call their hotline number - 1-300-88-3010 Hell lot of difficult to get through (tried almost one hour) and that pissed me off. However, once they are on the line with you, they are damn bloody efficient. Super efficient and technologically super knowledgable. Hard to believe that they are from the government department.

Once you are done with the form, just go to "Tandatangan Dan Hantar", you are done.

Since my wife's digital signature is not working, I'll have to submit on her behalf. This is also acceptable according to the IRB super efficient customer service people.

The Digital Certificate is valid for three years only. Thus, after 3 years, you'll need to get the new one again.

Have fun trying. I find online submission a very convenient way compared to the old way. I can now submit my form in Shanghai next year.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Clive

In th pic: Clive, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie - Dec 2003, during Brad's visit to San Francisco

Happy Birthday Clive!

Have a great time in Shanghai and Japan!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Kuen Cheng 2 Gladiators

The Kuen Cheng Speculative Fund .

Referring to the fund mentioned, there are few things that we need to do before we can start making $$$ :))

1. Register a trading ac - I suggest we use PangLeng's name to register a trading ac as i cant register more than one ac in one securities firm.

2. Open a joined name banking ac - We can register under 3 major shareholders name and either two to sign for withdrawal.

3. I am not sure we need to setup a company (S/B) at this moment, or just stick to the plan above. Pls provide opinion on this matter.

4. If everyone is serious w the fund, i suggest we arrange another meet up to discuss on the details/ terms etc.

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Ruthless Punters Club - Establishment Of The Kuen Cheng Speculative Fund

Venue: Casa Vino Cellar, The Curve

Date and Time: 13th April 2006, 9:30pm, most were late!

The Punters: As per the photo, with the guy in red-T the most good looking

Those who were early gathered at Tawkay SXXg's and his wife's boutique - OXXX MXXX, which means beyond XXXX in English, according to him. Stunning collections of female fashion with very reasonable price. Anyone looking for good quality, at the edge of fashion and yet seeking for great value, go to his shop. Great interior design too. Ladies must go and buy from his shop lar, support a bit mah.

We proceeded straight to the cellar and ordered 2 bottles of wine - one red and one sparkling white wine. Our special instruction - Don't give us anything more than RM100/bottle! And ta! ta! - RM76 each. BTW, the VIP room was fascinating. Nicole was a member, that's how we got the room.

When Nicole arrived at 10:30p.m, we had another red wine at RM99.99 (still below our budget). That certainly tasted better than the earlier red. Can't remember the brand (and too drunk to take another photo) but heck, I'll never spent so much on a bottle for personal consumption. It was fabulous.

Key highlights of the night on what we talked about:

1. Establishment of the Kuen Cheng Speculative Fund - Not for the faint hearted and extremely dangerous. Is about time we make some money here and we are coming with a fund that do nothing but make money. Thus, Pang Ling promised a contribution of RM20,000, Tawkay Seng RM10,000, Nicole still no exact figure yet and she is going to contribute into the fund. Me, talk so much that night and maybe contributing RM2k first lar... Su Yin and Sammi - RM2-3k too maybe. The rest who did not turn up, you are wellcome to contribute some money too.

Apparently, Nicole is the queen of punters, the punter amongst the punters with solid track record of "frying" the share market, particularly the second or third liner counters. I suspect that she is the leader of the syndicated gangs and the owner of the loan shark organisations too - we promised to keep it hush hush. So don't worry Nicole, we won't tell.

We had also appointed Queen Punter Nicole as our ruthless fund manager too. So, she will call the shot on the management of the fund full time and she will undate us with the monthly transaction update.

For those who wish to participate, remember, make sure you are prepared to lose the money okay. Invest only if you can afford it.

Like the old Chinese saying - "money caused friction to friendship", the following are the rules you need to follow before thinking about contributing, to avoid the above:
  • We will not question Nicole's decision on the transaction. Example, if she sold off the shares too early and the price continue to hike, no one should question her decision. Same if the price is trending south and she continued to hold on, no one should question her decision of not cutting loses. We must trust her judgement.
  • As I mentioned yesterday, I do not believe in charity work. Since all of us contribute money and not working, and literally Nicole will be the only one contributing most effort and money, we must give her commision on profit gain. As discussed yesterday, it maybe in the region of 5-10%. Thus, Nicole - eventhough she didn't want to take the commission, I strongly propose her to take it
  • Nicole must provide us with the transaction detail on monthly basis
  • Once putting in the money, you must NOT cash out within 12 months. Ah Seng proposed 6 months but I think 12 months is a better period for liquidation purposes - holding power mah especially when a share is trending down
  • Anyone can top up your investment. For example, 3 months down the road, when Ah Seng wants to top up another RM10,000, he is wellcome too. Please see the following on the impact of profit sharing if one decided to do so
Feel free to add on if you can think of any.

In terms of profit sharing, this is how it works, for example:
Pang Ling - RM20k (43%)
Ah Seng - RM10k (22%)
Punter Queen Nicole - RM10k (22%)
Me - RM2k (4%)
Su Yin - RM2k (4%)
Sammi - RM2K (4%)
Total = RM46K. (100%)

Thus, Pang Ling will be entitled to 43% of the profit gain (minus off cost and Nicole's commission). Since anyone can throw in more money within any period (remember, you cannot cash out for 12 months), it can be quite tricky on profit gain calculation. Thus, I propose something like a pro-rated basis. Confused? Here is the example to explain better:

Let's say the above profit sharing structure remains for 3 months, then suddenly Ah Seng decided to throw in another RM10k. Thus, the new profit sharing structure will be:
Pang Ling - RM20k (36%)
Ah Seng - RM20k (36%)
Punter Queen Nicole - RM10k (18%)
Me - RM2k (3.6%)
Su Yin - RM2k (3.6%)
Sammi - RM2K (3.6%)
Total = RM56K. (100%)

With this, Pang Ling will be entitled to profit sharing of 43% of profit within the first 3 months, but 36% for the remaining 9 months (assuming that no one throw in more money lar).

Do remember that this is the profit sharing structure, it will be the same for expenses/cost contribution too. For example again, if Pang Ling is responsible for 43% or 36% of the profit, he will be tied with 43% or 36% of Nicole's commission and other expenses as well.

Does the above make sense? Feel free to share your view.

You know, we can do other things as well with this - for example - coming up with a Kuen Cheng Property Fund - we buy houses and shop lots with a combined fund while getting someone to manage the rental. See, I may not be able to invest in a RM1 million shoplot. But with this fund available, we can afford one.

Even come up with a Kuen Cheng Water Machine Fund too, the one that Nicole invested RM20k! We can invest in one too you know?

I am very excited about the property fund. Do let me know how you feel.

In terms of the "name"/owner of the fund, as mentioned, I have a company here "Sdn Bhd" to sell off. If you all want, I can convert the company for this purposes. I paid more than RM2,000 for this company and it will cost us RM50 per month to maintain it. Let me know if you want to invest. Name of the shareholders and name of the company will have to change lar. This will cost another RM300 - RM500 to do so.

2. How to get capital to start your business/investment?

Spoke to the rest and realised that many are not aware of this method of getting more cash to invest. Okay, here is the proven method and this was what I did to get my investment capital. Actually, this is nothing new and many did that.

If you have a property under your name (and you must have one), you can always withdraw money from you EPF account 2 to reduce your home loan. Then, you can refinance your house again and get double to money! Eg. of what I did - I took out RM30k from my EPF account and reduce my home loan. Then I re-finance with the same bank and get RM60k of extra cash.

Now see, if you get a personal loan or Overdraft, it will cost you more than 8%, some even charge you at 12%! But with refinance, you enjoy 4-5% of home loan interest rate. Huge savings man.

I tried that. It works. However, make sure that you discuss with your homeloan banker first yeah... Don't blind blind do.

Okay lar. Time for me to stop. We wellcome all parties to invest especially foreign investment from US (Clive) and HK (Zoe).

Lastly, we had real fun last night talking about this and Su Yin even drunk already (look at her in the picture man). Sammi was sober and make sense throughout the night.

Have fun. See you again. I was almost drunk..

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Jakun Playing With New Toy

Today I went to Sunway Pyramid with my parents in-law. Since tommorrow is my father in-law's birthday, I was wonderting what gift to buy for him.

Then, I stopped by this computer accessory shop and hey.... maybe I can buy him a webcam for video call.

Great idea!

Thus, I bought two webcams - one for myself and another one for him, since he will miss my baby Ashley so much and wanted to see her almost daily. For some of you who are wondering the cost of a webcam - I paid RM95/webcam. Was told that it is an affordable one with acceptable quality. There are some that are selling at RM70/webcam but the video quality not as good (not too sure how true is that). Some webcams are selling at prices above RM300 (!!) I'm not buying that man. Way out of budget.

Somehow, it turned out to be an amazing evening. We, both myself and my father in law, have been playing on the web telecon like kids discovered some exciting new toys. Amazing. Really like jakun men. We were so amazed by it, but we had fun! Laughing all the way for 3 hours, at different houses!

Look at the webcam on my notebook (okay... my desk a bit messy) and the mike (chaggih leh). Okay, with my trademark wine as well.... Was a bit drunk too. We signed into MSN messanger and did our round of video conferencing on and on.

Amazing man. Those dreams of ours during kids time had come through. We, at least me, always thought of chatting on phone and see each others at the same time. The time has come true. Okay, the video quality is a bit off, and a bit slow too, but, what the heck, we had fun.

MSN Messanger can definitely do so - just tried. I heard Yahoo can do that too (have not tried yet). I have been on Skype for quite some time now and their video conferencing is in beta testing. Tried that but not that satisfactory. Didn't know how to go around it.

Apparently, the sound/voice quality of Skype is much better than MSN. Not too sure about Yahoo yet. Let me know if you have any experience in this. If you are going for VOIP, go for Skype. If you want video - go for MSN or Yahoo (was told).

Also, have you all tried Skype? No? Try it. It's free and is amazing. I have been using that for all my international business conferences - since my biz partners are from Singapore and US.

I noticed something interesting as well - the way people pronounce Skype. How would you pronounce it? Skype or "Sky - Pi"? Somehow, I heard a lot of people pronouce it as "Sky-pi" (especially those from Hong Kong and Malaysians who were influenced by Hong Kong people).. I pronounced it as Skype, how can it be "Sky-pi"? Sounds off.

Hey, let's try video conferencing one day if you are into online voice chat and video conference... Is fun! Maybe you guys can test it during your next gathering and if I am in Shanghai! Go to Starbucks lar with Timezone access. Make sure one of you have notebook + mike + webcam + MSN + Skype.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Relocation Warehouse Sales - More Products To Sell Off

1. Sony Digital 8 Video Camera.

- 700X Digital Zoom
- 25X Optiocal
- Super Night Shot 0 Lux
- Equip With Memory Stick (4MB)
- iLink DV Interface
- Bought since 2001 (5 years already)

Free - one extra battery (worth >RM300)
Free - 4 used tapes

Tip-top quality (okay, head spoilt already last month. Need to change it..)

Original Price - RM3,999
Offer - RM1,299 (neg.)

2. 20' Sharpe TV

Working well. Basic unit. Used more than 6 years. Free - VCD player (if it is still working)..

Original price paid in total RM1,100

Now selling RM299 for both TV and VCD player

3. Unbranded massage mat

Good for relaxation. Good condition.

Original price - RM500. Offer price - RM199 (neg)

4. Unbranded Computer speaker with sub-woffer. Bought 5 months ago.

Original price - RM99. Offer price - RM49

5. DVDs

a) CSI - 9 series (Las Vegas, Miami, and New York)

More than 70 DVDs - Market price - RM700. Offer price - RM299

b) Seinfeld - Season 1-4

Market price - RM120. Offer price - RM60

c) Other titles (selected only) - RM5/piece

d) Blockbuster Titles - "I am very horny tonight" and "Meet me at my G-Spot" - RM20/piece

6. Romance of the three kindoms

Original VCDs. About 80-100 disc. New set. Watch till disc 8 only. Can't continue anymore as it is damn boring. Thus, brand new set.

Original price - RM120. Offer price RM60.

7. PLUS gym ball.

Burst Resistant Quality.

Made in Italy. Very addictive to sit on. Tip top quality. Try this during love making - very bouncy.

Original price - RM120. Offer Price - RM60.

8. Frog eating gigolo. Still a virgin.

Female client - RM1,200/night

Male client - RM5,000/night

(One shot only)

HCM City/ Saigon (6-7 Apr 06)

Ho Chi Ming City gives me a totally different impression as compared to Hanoi. Though the number of motocycles on the road is not second to Hanoi, but the roads in HCM City are obviously more organized and well-kept as compared to the capital city. At least you can see 1 or 2 out of 100 motorists wear helmet. And more cars on the road, thus experience some traffic jam during rush hour. Some roads in the city center are one-way traffic, with 2 or 3 lanes.

We had less than 24 hours in HCM City, thus, didn’t have time to see much, but, the first moment we reach the city centre, we could see high rise buildings like HSCB, Citi Bank, shopping mall like Parkson, and familiar names of those international class hotels like Renansasse, Sheraton…etc. Some hotels have Casino, one of the promiment ones, is called Rex Hotel, the lighting at nite, give you a bit of Las Vegas feel!

The business opportunities here seem to be quite encouraging, as you can see all those foreign bank set up their HQ here in HCM City instead of Hanoi. Cafes, restaurants and trendy shops along the road sides are quite inviting.

The air quality is better here, thus, you can afford to have a drink at those western-style outdoor café. Many classy western restaurants with modern live band are found here too.

Things I like most in HCM City are those nice buildings left by the French.
Passing by their Opera, Central Post Office, Museum, Church…you would think a moment that you were in Europe (of course, kua jeong a bit la :P)

To blend into this very special west-meet-east-culture here, we didn’t go for local food for the 1st meal we had in HCM City. We had pizza and spaghetti instead, in a small, cozy western restaurant. The feel was not bad at all!

Business....yes, we met with only 1 customer in HCM City. Finally, the 1st customer in Vietnam we met that located in a proper office building, with air cond, and Engineers here, speak relataively good English too.

To me, HCM City is quite a good place, but, I hv too little time here. I will come back again to discover more!

p/s: all these photos were taken with my h/p, thus, don't expect good quality photos here

Aquariums And Pets For Sale! Unbelievable Price!

Who Wants To Take Over My Pets And Aquariums?

  1. Two Aquariums - One big one small. Ideal for office and toilet display
  2. Full set - Filter, water pump, oxygen, lights and all the accessories
  3. Good for Feng Sui
  4. Improve sexual life

Buy aquariums and get the gold fishes and tortise for free! Tortise house is complimentary too.

  • Fish and tortise alive - Free of charge!
  • Deep fried - Add RM50
  • Steam Teow Chew style - Add RM100

Original price = Paid more than RM200

Special for today - RM49.90 and you own it all.

As we anticipate high demand for this offer, ACT FAST TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT!

Hanoi, 4-6 Apr 2006

Non-stop stream of motorbikes coming from all directions (none of the motorist wear helmet, NONE, let me reiterate). A bulb lighted up in our heads, and suddenly discovered a good business opportunity! We can sure make a lot of money if we can convince the government to impose the law to make wearing helmet compulsory. To our surprise, our local contact told us, government had in fact imposed the law twice in the past, but failed. If you were to catch the law breaker, then, everyone on the road was to be caught, the problem was just too big that nothing much could be done. We were not convinced by this statement, as no one wanted to pay summons…. He then added that, whenever a police booth was set up to catch the motorist without helmet, you could find another booth set up a few hundred meters before the police booth, renting the helmet to the motorist, and the helmet was to returned at the booth a few hundred meters away from the police booth…don’t you think Vietnamese are so brilliant, thinking of this business model?

Confusing traffic lights and directions (you wonder anyone ever notice the existence of the traffic light, as it is being ignored and not followed)
Never-ending tooting of horn (as someone says, the motorist/ driver just honk at anything that move, I wonder why they honk, as no one basically cares)

Tips for crossing the road – just assume you are blind, cross the road without fear, let the motorist avoid you, else you will hv to wait till the cow come home before you can cross a narrow street

Dusty, narrow, disorderly roads with digging and patching every where, not sure if it is called road upgrading works?

No many high-rise buildings at sight.

There are many lakes (small and big) in Hanoi city. The most well known one is at the heart of the city, called The Sword Lake (Hoan Kien). Many locals jog & walk along the lake side in the evening. But, again, you wonder how can they breath/ do exercise there as the air quality is so poor. However, there are some good restaurants (for the tourist) along the lake side, it is quite a nice place for tourist to have a meal/ drink there, overlooking the a small pagoda in the middle of the lake, with cool breeze blowing to your face. We had one of our dinner there, entertained by the 'traditional' live band.

Food – would be very exciting if you are adventurous enough to try all sorts of meat, including veal, snake, frog…..and man’s best friend, the dog. But, we never go to that extend, the new thing that we had tried in Hanoi were rabbit meat and goat’s brisket.

Weather - windy, cooling, especially at night, about 25 deg C, with breeze, you will feel very comfortable.

People - don't expect them to know English, but, to me, most Asians are warm and nice, I don't feel threaten at all walking alone on the street.

Back to the business (afterall, this is supposed to be a business trip)- well, I was quite shocked by some of the business set-up in Hanoi, the location of the office is in the middle of nowhere, dusty, no air condition, even some of the engineers/ business owners do not speak good English. Some of the products & the applications that they are developing are so niche (primitive too...wondering why they still need to develop such product) that we hv never encountered before outside Vietnam. Indeed, this trip is an eye-opening for me.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Urgent - Looking for the address of Nong & Jimmy Restaurant

Have anyone of you heard of Nong & Jimmy Thai and Seafood restaurant?

I'd been there with Clive and his family, food damn good. There is also a stall outside that sells "Yao Char Gwai" with kaya.

Somehow, I can't remember how to go. Anyone of you have been there before and can you share the map with me? Really wanted to go there before I go to HK.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Shanghai - Kow Mun Keong - Tycoon Of The Bund


"Long~ on Pan.... Long~on Lau....... Mun Lei Tou Tou Kong Sui... Weng Pat Yau....."

Yo gang... am listening to this song, with tears, while typing this blog..... Yes, I have signed off my life to be relocated to Shanghai.

I will be relocating very soon. Much sooner than I thought. First, I will be in Hong Kong for one month. Then straight to Shanghai to "Ta Kong San".

Once I'm there, I will have to recruit my "Ting Lek" to help me conquer the China market, with AK47.

Seems like I can't join you guys in May lar. Can't have a chance to meet up with Clive too. But hey, at least can meet up with Pek Gan.

My family will be relocating with me as well. Wife scared that I may "Pao Yee Lai" so have to follow me closely.

Need to travel quite a lot too, to HK and Tokyo where my future is located.

So, farewell my friend. Not too sure whether we can enough time to meet up before I go as quite a bit of things to pack up too. I am thinking of organising a garage sales to off load some of my things such as the entire series of CSI (9 seasons - LV, Miami and NY), more than 600 titles of DVDs, more than 20 titles of porno DVDs, 2 tonnes of cocaine and many many more.

Will keep you guys updated with latest development.

"Long~on Pan..... Long~on Lau..........." sob sob....