Monday, October 09, 2006

Welcome Aidan Kow!

Yo all!

I'm a second time father today - Aidan Kow, looks like Brad Pitt, just like the father. Aidan can't wait to get out by 11:01am today, which is about 1 week earlier than the scheduled 16th Oct.

Why Aidan? Well, is one character from a Barbie Movie, a Prince Charming, of course. My daughter just insisted on that name (he will freak out later if he knows that I name him after a character in Barbie movie..). Well, not my fault, blame his sister.....

Still struggling to think of Aidan's Chinese name. Well.... with a weird surname like mine, is kind of difficult to find a name that rhymes... "Kow Wong Choy", "Kow Ah Kow", "Kow Fatt Tat", "Kow Tai Fok", "Kow Tak Wah"..... Difficult!

Any suggestion is welcome.

Friday, October 06, 2006

How about this?

OK, we hv enough abt the art works from China, how about catching a glimpse of this one "Make in Singapore"?

Remember that I went for cycling at the East Coast Park on of the weekends, trying to catch some bikini girls for you guys? Well, no luck for pretty ladies, but, this sand castle. Quite nice, though not as interesting as those captured by Kow in SH. Just want to share with you guys.

In my memory, besides during my first year in college where I stayed in student house, this is the first time I'm spending the mid autumn festival alone, away from home, without home-cooked food! Well, in order to make myself feel better, I tell myself that I must hv chicken for dinner! Thus, I went to KFC...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Be Artistic A Bit.....

What did you see from this picture?

If you see a kuku... then you better get your head fix up a bit...

This is... a-hem..... ART.....

Passed by this exhibition just now while on the way back home. Since it is free, I gave it a go lar.

This is where the kuku comes from. Actually, pretty nice.... but, some how... it looks like a pirated stuff....
Looks familiar right.... Just because the Da Vinci code is hot .....

This is another one....

What do you see?

Nah... don't tell me kuku again....

For some weird reasons, this artist here made a sculpture with the title of "Grand father and grand daughter". Weird.... must they be naked with such a title? Also, what is the little girl looking at?

This is my favourite.

This is an art...... Guys, what did you see? A-hem.... you better fix up your head....

Strip dancing.... I spent 2 hours on this sculpture.

More dancing queens.... I spent only 5 seconds on this one.

This is weird.... I think the title is "The man in the pipe relaxing"....

Ladies doing boogie dance...

This is "Frogigolo when drunk"

This is "Doing Business In China"

Hey, actually, this one is kind of nice....

This is the sculpture of "Sleeping at work"... looks damn real right?

1st October - Golden Week Holiday

In China, there are only 3 holiday seasons - Chinese New Year (End Jan or Feb), Labour Day (May 1st) and The National Day (Oct 1st).

That's all.. For some weird reasons, some wise guys from the government think that having all holidays lumping togather is a brilliant idea... Thus, 7 years ago, they implemented this Golden Week holiday for the whole nation.

That's it, no more holidays in between. After this week, I will have to wait till next Feb for the CNY.

Of course, there are good and bad things about this kind of arrangement.

Imagine, would you rather have the public holidays scattered accross the year or would you like it to group it within the same week?

For me, I would rather have the holidays spreaded out.

Because is a Golden week, the whole nation is in boogie mood. There are huge amount of people going around touring. In China, when I say huge amount of people - meaning is HUGE amount of people! Every where you see is just heads and more heads! Worst still, if the uncle from donno what village besides you want to spit, you have no where to run away!

A walk along the famous Nan Jing Walking Street says it all.....

You see nothing but people.....

People, people and people....... this is the scene in subway. This is shoulder to shoulder walk.... something like bumper to bumper....
This is the scene in front of a shopping mall..... how to shop like that?