Monday, May 22, 2006

Last encounter with Clive in KL

Sorry lar, this blog had been sitting in the "work-in-progress" status for quite sometime. No time to finish off the entry.... Thus, decided to do so since got nothing much to do in HK.

About 5 days before I went to HK, Clive, his mom, my baby Ashley, my maid and myself went to Seremban to hunt for the famous Seremban beef noodle.

Before that, of course, must annouce something lar. Clive's mum was so kind that she agreed to take over Ah Keong. In the pic is the tortoise handover ceremony. Now my tortoise is in safe hand.

Luck was not on our side that day. After 30 minutes of driving, we finally reached Seremban and my stomoch was protesting violantly. However, as we arrived at the restaurant, we discovered that the restaurant was closed!

Thus, we went to another famous one at somewhere nearby, the one in the wet market. Rumour has it that this restaurant is own by the former's father. Donno how true is this. Hey, rumours okay..... rumours...

Dissapointing enough, it was closed also. Damn...... Must be Clive lar.... knowing that he was coming, everyone quick quick closed shop lar......

Without much choices, we adjorned to a pretty lousy, beef noodle wannabe to eat lar, just few stores down the lane. It was no where near the standard of what we intended to eat okay. Terrible! Horrble! Lousy!

I must mention something about the journey, we walked, from the car park to the wet market. It was HORRIFIC!

The smell was so terrible on the journey towards the restaurant (which is located at level 1 of the market). We almost lost all of our appetite during the short, albeit, seems like ages, walk up to the restaurant. Then, after the lousy meal, we have to walk pass the same journey again. Felt like throwing up on the way back to the car. Yulks! At the bottom is the store you should NOT go okay. No good.

Lucky that the famous Seremban "Siew Pao" was opened that day. Thus, at least, we managed to buy some nice Siew Pao to eat. At least something lah.

Even the aunty that sell the Siew Pao was so happy and coorporative. She actually dressed up for our photo shooting session. So nice of her. If you realise, she actually put on her cap for the photo shoot. Funny.
Later that day, after dropping off Clive's mom and my daughter, both of us went to OASIS bar in Bangsar for a drink, while waiting for his friends.

Must be me drinking too much lar. Somehow, after the drinking session, I had a bad accident - I bang someone's car.

Damn, that accident caused me RM450 okay. Heart ache. Told you all, never drink and drive. Below is the pic of the car which I knocked on. This was the most expensive beer I ever had man.

Later gang, finally got the cabel from PG to download pic. Hopefully I can share with you on some pics. WL supposed to blog on last night event. Stay tune.


Blogger evelyn said...

You shd let me know when you go Seremban....should try the Seremban Cheese Crab, that's one of my favourite dishes! Really good if you like cheesy food.

6:19 AM  
Blogger sammi said...

WL : aiyah!! forgot u like cheese, should bring you to 芝士公仔面 in HK. Yummy! Yummy! really tasty.

Kow : you should taste it when u hv time. shop located in 香槟大厦next to Miramar Hotel, 九龙金巴利道,opposite of 诺仕佛台

6:30 AM  

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