Friday, August 25, 2006

Die lar.... need to pick your brains.... dilemma here

Okay, serious issue folks.... no sexy photos here....

Need to pick your brains here, and I need it fast. Please get back to me via your reply on this comment box no later than next Monday, 28th Aug yeah.

10 brains better than one here.

When Shit Hits The Fan!

Imagine what would happen if that really occurs man. Well, it happens.

Like that one....

You know lar, I was on my own before I came to Shanghai. I was handling this project with one Singaporean contact...

End Client: One company X lar.... (In Singapore)

The person who got the contract: Company Y lar...... (In Singapore)

Contract value: Not big lar, a couple of thousands only.

X wanted to get a report done, and Y got the contract. So, Y sub-contract it to me lar.

X is a bit demanding and always delay the reports delivery time. Originally, it suppose to be dued on March, but then, it was delay till June.

You know lar, I got my contract in May, thus, I can't follow through. So, I sub-contract the remaining portion of the work to Miss Z.

Of course, all parties are aware of this - Company X, Y and Miss Z all sign a contract about this remaining part of the job, which I suppose to finish but unable due to new assignment and due to the delay in Company X postponing the reporting.

Thus, everyone was happy until today, I received so many emails from Miss Z and Company Y.

Company Y complains that Miss Z did not perform her task well enough and they have to incur a lot of manpower to rectify the errors. Company X was unhappy with Company Y too as they claimed that the consultant they got is not good enough.

Miss Z, on the other hand, claims that these allegations are not true and she had performed her duty in due.

Company Y would only willing to pay her 65% of contract value.

Miss Z cries and claimed that this is unfair and she wanted 100% payment.

Thus, both of Miss Z came to me and ask me what should she do.

Company Y, has all the right to ask me to stay the fuck away since I was not involved in the contract. This is none of my business anymore as a new contract was signed.

Miss Z, a single lady, with 2 kids to raise, approached me helplessly that she needs to feed the kids and ask me for help. She told me that she had performed her work according to the contract. She needs this money to move on in life.

Since I was the one who introduce Miss Z to Company Y, I feel obligated to help resolve this conflict.

What would you do if you are on my position? I really wanted to help here.

Share with me your thoughts before I get back on Monday/Tuesday.

Fast fast reply please.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

More Deadly Than A Bird Flu

As the season is slowing moving from summer to autumn now, is very common for people here to get a cold or flu.

I had a very bad flu last week. Since I had an operation begining of this year, I am a bit kiasee nowadays with flu. Thus, I went for a doctor - A GP okay, not an ENT specialist.

He gave me some medication as per the pix above.

The bill: RMB 980!!

That is almost equivalent to Ringgit Malaysia 490! For a flu! Can you imagine? I checked my company insurance coverage and found that they can only cover me for RMB440! I have to fork out RMB540 for the remaining of the bill.

I almost die of heart attack when I receive the bill. Next time, forget about the flu..... just live with it.....

More About Cycling In Shanghai - No Wet Bikini Ladies, For Sure....

Quiz: Guess what is this?

A cycling license..... Works just like a driving license.

No joke. You NEED a license to cycle here in Shanghai.

If you break the law, you will need to show this license, just like the driving license. Except that you do not have the RM50 at the back of the license.

Amazing isn't it? There's more....

QUIZ: Guess what is the blue tag at the front of the bicycle?

Registration Plate Number. Yes, no joke, you will need a plate number on your bicycle okay. Just like a car. (BTW, this is not my bicycle - that's why I din't even bother to censor off number :D Let them catch lar...;P ). You will need to get a license plate (from tax department or something) the day you buy bicycle in Shanghai.

QUIZ: What if your bicycle got stolen? Or is taken by an alient?

You'll need to lodge a police report.... and claim insurance....... do you believe it?

Cycling on the road is very hazardous. This incredible hulk scene is common everyday. If you ever got stuck at his back...... it take you ages to overtake him....

Well, I do know how to cycle for sure.... but I am just not as skillful as they are okay. Even a 5 years old kid can cycle faster than I do - and yet, he can still manage to turn his head back at me and swear at me for cycling like a retard.

No more driving undang-undang for me. I have to get used to these signs now.

This is a jockey parking. Without the jockey service...

This is how they protect their bicycles. I wonder whether they ever polish it?

This is one of the greatest inventions here in China. Very popular - Electronic Bicycle - it runs on battary (fully rechargeable). Well, it works just like a motorbike and if the power runs out, hey, no sweat, you can cycle (and hence the padels are there). Cost - RMB2,000

The bike in yellow is even more fascinating. I nearly bought this. This is a foldable bicycle. You can literally fold it up and put it into a bag (and carry around). Isn't it cool? Usually people buy this for multiple transportation modes... if the journey is too far....

Imagine if you need to go on a journey like 20km away. You cycle to the subway station, then you fold it up. Take the subway. Once reach your intended station, you just unfold your bicycle and cycle to your destination. Isn't that cool? This bike probably cost RMB400 - RMB500.....

There are millions of bicycles on the road. Even the ladies here cycle with miniskirts on - they just don't care. That is distracting man. How to concentrate on the road like that? No wonder so many guys have accidient here while cycling. Well no pictures guys - let me try to get a few tomorrow....

Owning a car here is difficult. If you ever met anyone with cars here in Shanghai, chances are - they are cash rich.

People here buy car in CASH.

There is no hire purchase loan here in China. Even if there are banks which offers (very, very few), they need to see your property here. No property, no loan. No cash, no car!

Actually, cycling is fun, come to think of it....... :D I don't have that amount of cash.....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I have to get myself a good transportation... this damn place

You know, one of the many things I have to get used to is living without a damn car.

We Malaysians are so pampered, especially for me, who would literally drive a car out for a journey like 30 meter to buy newspaper.

For the past 2 months, without a descent transportation is totally unimaginable. Not only for me, even my daughter complains to me on a daily basis..

"Daddy... where is your car?"

"Errr....... in Malaysia lar..."

"So you got car or not in Shanghai?"

"Errr..... No......"

"NO!!!!! WWWAAAARRRRRR! I don't love Shanghai, I want to go back to Malaysia!!!!!"

(My wife heard this....)

"I want to go back to Malaysia too you damn @#$%%^&*^%$, when I married you and you promise house lar, car lar, money lar.... now you shit head bring me to this shit place for a shit treatment...... you @#$%^^%$#%^*&$%#@;*&^*&^%%$#&#@^&*"

So the two of them protested like hell, violently..... (by the way, this event occurs on a daily basis here okay)..

Enough is enough..... I have it all.

So I am going to get myself a descent transportation. .. For the sake of my family.

So two weeks ago, we went to shop for a good mode of transportation.....

We spotted something really great. This is simply amazing..... The Ultimate traveling Machine. Perfect interior and have loads of space to put in grocery..... Leather seats somemore....

The price is a bit high for my liking but is still within my range. Hey, I need something that fit my image right?

So I bought it....

RMB 300. Plus one helmet RMB100. Pretty good you know.

I even have many admirers..... look at that....

The basket in front can put grocery and the seat behind can take one person. The seat I am sitting is leather.

Pang Ling came over to Shanghai last month and I offered him a ride..... but he dare not... Chicken! What's wrong with 90 minutes ride from hotel to restaurant?

My wife and daughter also dare not. But at least I offer... Not my fault if they dare not sit right? What is the difference between 2 wheels and 4 wheels? Not much right?

See.... your friend here is slowly localizing...... I am going to be a China man now......

Call me when you are in Shanghai okay? I take you for a ride!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Amazing..... Simply amazing..... I can log in.......

Yo gang.... it had been a while.......

Don't believe that I can actually log into our blog page.... after some accidential trial & error today.

This is awesome! I don't believe that this is happening! Am I dreaming..... slap me.... please, slap me.......

Must be the China government screened through our webpage and find that it is not that damaging anyway... How bad is our comment anyway? Not as bad as Dr. M damaging our PM right - "Spray me... spray me..... and give me back my damn second bridge to Singapore...."

OK gang. Let me re-gain my breath and start getting active into this. This is simply astonishing.....

Sunday, August 13, 2006

7th mth Celebration

This is the first time I experience how a Singaporean company do the 7th mth celebration.
The scale of the celebration is really amazing!
This year, the date of the celebration falls on 12 Aug.

The participant will be given a “goodies bag”, which consists of groceries, food, fruits and poultry (a roasted chicken and a roasted duck), all in all, it worths more than S$120/ea.

This year, there are 75 participants, thus, there were 75 goodie bags to be prepared.
Technically speaking, this can’t be called a goodies bag in view of it’s size and the weight.

Early in the morning, volunteers had arrived to the scene and started doing the packing.
An “assembly line’ had been set up to do this at the fastest and most efficient way.

At 12.08pm, the celebration ceremony started with the boss burning the joss stick, and followed by the employees.

All the goodies bags & poultry were put for 拜拜 before being given away to the participants.

These are part of the ‘gold & silver’ to be offered.
And they are the results of the employees' hard work for weeks.

The rest of offerings include ‘shoes’, ‘clothing’, ‘money’…etc.

The burning ceremony started at 1.30pm.
The offerings were brought to the roadside for burning.
Look at the quantity!

After the street burning, 10-course lunch was served.

And the most exciting event was the bidding program.
Auspicious items (like 貔貅,玉龙,发财蟾蜍,逍遥佛 etc... ), electrical stuff (Digital Camera, MP3 Player, Oven....etc) and even TOTO tickets were being auctioned. And most of the amounts called were auspicious numbers like 4888, 3138, 1288…….
It was quite fun and exicting watching our bosses fighting over some of the items.

The whole event ended at 5pm and everybody left with a smiling face and full-handed!