Wednesday, May 31, 2006

U - Public Viewing

After seeing some 'offensive' / PG18 articles from Kow, let's hv some soothing pictures!
Here you go, my 2 doggies.
I took this pic when I was back to KL last week end, miss them much!

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Part 4 - The Pornographic Heaven


Went to Wong Kok today with Raymond, killing our time before meeting up with PG to return her the camera. Sorry lar, I would have taken a few shots for this story but since I am returning the camera to her, and don't really want her to keep a collection of those offending pics (cultural shock), decided to keep the impact mild lar :D

By accident, we ended in a plaza just around the corner of Wong Kok. We were kind of tired already and a bit "sean"lah (hey, two 30 years old guys doing window shopping together is pretty boring okay.... people may think that we are engaging in Brokeback Mountain activity or something).

Once we reached the first floor...... suddenly I saw an amazing scene. I felt the blood gushing up to my head and flowing wildly like Tsunami! My heart was beating like a wild horse, my face turned red, I breath heavily, I felt sweat in my hand and streams of sweat just dripped down from my forehead continuously. I saw stars, I felt the plaza turning....... oh my god........ this is fantasy island man........ This whole floor sells nothing but PORNO DVDS!!!!!

Shops after shops of pornos..... Scene after scene of naked ladies. No movies, no series and certainly no dramas! Nothing but porns only. Everyone was displaying the DVDs on the shelves and everyone was playing some sample on their TVs (with volumn blasted to the max). Thus, what I heard every where was "Ooooh.... ahhhh...... yeahh....... more......." The whole floor was filled with these seducing TV screen and sounds.....

We checked from one store to another and realised that they were almost the same everywhere.... Think they have more than millions over collection here, ranging from Japan, US, Africa, Russia etc etc....

The cost:
Buy 1 DVD = HK$30
Buy 2 DVDs = HK$50
Buy 7 DVDs = HK$100 (and they give up to 9 DVDs if they are desperate)

Thus, we bought 2. OK. Just to watch it in the hotel lar.... me so lonely. Can't bring back to KL mah....

Immediately after we bought the DVDs, we walked out of the plaza. On the way to the escalator, two policemen walked up with walkie talkie, suddenly I heard a tunderous sound of shops closing down.... Bang, bang, bang, bang............. this was amazing man..... so funny.

Watched it in the hotel after that. Felt a bit cheated....... damn, those porn DVDs I bought were worse than "3 cap" lar..... nothing juicy at all.... damn....... cannot compared to the collections I have from home.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dr. Steven Lee

This is the investment book that i was talking can get it from MPH @ RM20. Very Practical book.

8D7N in China - ZJJ

Finally here come my blog, sorry for waiting so long :P The trip was so sudden coz i was replacing my dad's place to this "duck duck" tour. He was having a minor operation on his nose 2 wks b4 the trip and not encourage to take a flight. In order not to waste the air ticket, i followed all "yi ma ku che" to this famous spot - zhangjiajie.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usDay 1 - Hometown of President Mau, most of the ppl in China treat him as God.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usLook at those big PIG Heads. We actually had that as one of the dishes for dinner, dare to try??
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usView of Phoenix Old Town.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usKiwi Fruits Made in China
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usHere i come - Zhangjiajie. The photo was taken from cable car.
More to come:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at
This is the road of 99 turnings that we took to reach the famous mountain spot - Tian Men San.
I should say this is a nice trip despite those long hrs bus riding and lousy food. Those nice scene really worth the $$$$$, especially when it is a free trip :))) hope u have enjoyed the pics, chao.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Uncle Bus

While waiting for my blog, get some entertainment stuff here....

very hot topic in HK recently, guess PG should know, have fun!

Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Part 3 - Ripped Off At Knutsford Street

After much persuasion from Sammi, decided to pay a visit to Knutsford Street in Tsim Sar Thui (TST as all Hongkies call it). Yeah, we suppose to meet up at TST last week instead of Lan Kuai Fung. Apparently, Sammi called this place the TST's Lan Kuai Fung, thus, must pay a visit lar.
While waiting for Raymond and wife to join, I decided to have a nice beer at this street. Well Sammi, a bit overrated lar, cannot compare to LKF lar.... Just a few pubs and restaurants but nothing fancy lar.
Kow: Hi, give me a beer please.

Waiter: Can. Wait ah. Now happy hour.

Kow: How much?

Waiter: HK$38 only per mug.

Kow: (thinking silently: kan ni nah.... so expensive one) Okay lar. Give me one mug.

After 5 minutes....

Waiter: Sir, here is the beer and here is the bill.

I looked at the bill.... Beer HK$28 and prawn chips HK$10

Kow: Eh, I don't want the chips.

Waiter: Sir, where are you from?

Kow: Malaysia

Waiter: Sir, all customers here have to take the prawn chips one leh. Malaysia don't have one meh? This is company policy.

Kow: (Thinking silently: Kan Ni Nah..... policy my ass.). Huh, Hong Kong people drink beer like that one meh?

Waiter: Yes sir. Wait till you go Karaoke in Hong Kong... the bill even higher..... here is the bill sir...

Lucky that the prawn chips is refillable. Thus, almost eat prawn chips for dinner. After another 20 minutes and much frustration....

Kow: Hi there..... one more beer please......

After the damn expensive beer, decided to walk around lar. Suddenly saw this hotel. They, isn't this hotel the one that Sammi brought her clients to.... not bad at all man. This hotel is just around the corner of Knutsford street only. Damn, better than my funeral hotel.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Singapore BOLEH!

Don't get me wrong! I'm not trying to betray Malaysia.
But, there is something about Singapore that Malaysia should really learn.
Singapore has been well known for it's efficiency, e.g. it has 1 single cash card to pay for all parking fee, toll fee, to buy anything, and to make any payment. Like wise, all shops accept ATM to may purchase payment.
Besides, Internet payment is well-accepted, as long as you feel comfortable, you can make any payment via Internet.
All the above might not be new to you.
But, recently, I hv had a very pleasant experience with the government agency that I must share with you guys.

In order to convert my driving license, I am required to sit for a test for "Basic Theory of Driving". This test is computerised.
I hv booked for a test session on 9.15am. One hour before the test, candidate could go for a trial test, to get familiarised with the computer system. In fact, it is very straight forward, the computer is touch-screen, you just hv to tap the screen to select the right answer, and proceed, from Q1 to Q50.
The passing score is 45 & above, and 50 mins to complete the test.
Once you hv finished, you just hv to tap for RESULT, and immediately, you are informed if you were PASSED or FAILED. With the result, you could proceed to the counter to make the license,if you hv passed.
I took less than 3 hours for the whole process!
Don't you find this is so efficient?!

As compared with our JPJ, it took me 4 hours to get a print out!
To convert the licence, besides sitting for the theory test, I hv to submit a print out from JPJ, stating my driving record in Malaysia.
The print out is very simple, only giving the information in English, the date I started driving in Malaysia, and the validity of my current driving license.
It was on Friday that I went to JPJ, I knew that the working hours were short.
I arrived JPJ on 10.45am, and submitted all relevant doc before 11.00am.
The officer insisted that they stopped working by 11.00am (but the official working hour is until 12.00 noon), and wanted me to go back by 3pm to get the print out (while they should come back by 2.30pm). There was a Indian couple arrived the same time as me, begged the officer to let them hv the print out before the office closed for prayer/ lunch, as they were rushing to catch a flight back to Singapore.
The only answers they got were...."TAK BOLEH", "MANA BOLEH" was so irritating!

Besides the systems, our government officers should change their working attitude, and be more considerate & helpful. Else, we could never catch up with our neighbour.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Part 2 - Cheung Chau Trip

As I was kind of fedup about the shopping and makan in HK, I proposed to my friend that we should really go the somewhere ulu. Thus, we decided to make a trip to Cheung Chau! Seen and heard about this place so many times in the Hong Kong series but Cheung Chau is never a spot in our touring agenda during our HK tour.

As my friend here have not been to Cheung Chau since he came here 7 years ago, we were kind of excited and looking forward to this trip today.

A bit of intro about my friend here, he is Raymond. One of my very best friends known since my secondary school time. He has nice and firm buttock. Moreover, he has pink nipples too. Oh... gorh....... have been reading too much of the porn section of the HK newspaper.... Those sentences just came out too naturally while writing an entry....

He is now married with his wife, Joanna - a Hongkie too. Lovely lady. Took real good care of me during my stay here in HK.

Before we took the ferry to Cheung Chau, mesti makan sarapan dulu lar. See, not so wonderful meal but it ended up with the damage of HK$70. Makan here is so expensive in HK.
This is the ferry that we took..... speed boat.
Told you that we were so looking forward to this trip. Look at how happy we were... We departed at about 11:12am as stated in the photo.
After 30 minutes, we finally reached the long awaited Cheung Chau. Looks a bit ulu really, but that was what we really after - just get away from the damn city!
Noticed a very interesting sign here. Think that somehow, many people try to jump to the sea to commit suicide..... BTW, for those of you who do not know, Cheung Chau is a heavan for commiting suicide - "burning carcoal". Somehow, many young couples go to Cheung Chau to kill themselves the minute their family oppose to their relationship. Then they ended up staying in the Hotel Funeral next to my hotel here..... EEEEERRRRRIIIIIEEEEEE........
First sign that appeared is this..... So, don't play play okay. Don't mess around with the police in HK.
It was kind of dissapointing when we arrived. It was pouring really heavily. Damn. Such a party pooper... lucky that we have our umbrellas with us... No way was this rain gonna take away our joy man.... NO WAY.

As we were kind of hungry again and just to get a shelter from the downpour, we went to this dim sum restaurant to makan.

The dim sums were delicious! Yum Yum. They were totally different from what we can have in KL.

Pork Rib and chicken feet. Rated 8/10
Teow Chew dumpling - rated 8/10
Chicken Pao - never tried but my friend said lousy....
This is totally my favourite - donno what that is - 10/10.
Saw an adult's only arcade too... Literally adult's arcade.........
Huh, this is one of the highlight - the dragon boat racing festival! They have a mega function here with this event. What an experience.
We decided to take the bike instead of walk. However, since it was pouring heavily, we bought ourselves some raincoats. Here is the photo with us in Emporio Armani Suits.
Got myself a DKNY slippers too.
I thought my friends were so enthusiastic about the bicycle ride - who knows that they rented this and getting me to ride them around..... I was like a hero and said - No Problem. You dare you come lar.......
After 2 minutes, they really scared....... So, they decided to take the bikes on their own instead.

Cost of renting the bicycle - cheap - HK$20 for 3 hours per bike. Not bad at all.

The only reason why we want to rent the bike was because we want to visit the Cheung Poh Chai cave i.e. Cheung Poh Chai = Peter Cheung in English.

Peter Cheung was a historical person - who was a pirate. Chow Yuen Fatt is going to feature in the sequel of "Pirates of the Carribean III". This is him lar. Apparently, he went into hiding in this cave during his pirate time. Thus, we must go and check out the cave.
It was quite a hike to get up to the cave, but the view and journey was magnificent. Love it.
BTW, the Peter Cheung cave is just at the back of my friends. We finally reached after only 15 minutes of hiking, albeit, with heavy rain.
That IS the cave. My friend was like a hero and quicky jumped into the cave.
This was the photo taken inside the cave... isn't it beautiful? Somehow, I think not go in. Hey, how to go to cave adventure with my cute slippers lar. Somemore it was raining heavily. Slippery like hell.
Thus, after staying for about 10 minutes, we went to another place. Wonderful sea view. Love it! It was quite cooling too.
Somehow, I realised that there were wild cactus everywhere here in the island. Thus, took a pic here. They are real wild cactus okay.

Wow, even their toilet is so damn clean. See, just like hotel and you can literally lick the floor.

It was still raining heavily at 3pm. Thus, we decided to call it a day and went back at 3:30pm.

Next time you go to HK, take a trip to Cheung Chau. Quite a nice trip. Just to get myself off from the hectic city life.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Part 1

Okay gang. Today is the 14th day I stayed in HK. I have been to HK for the n~th time but this trip is the longest I had stayed thus far...

Somehow, I realised that HK is a wonderful place to stay... but.... once you stay for a bit longer... HK can be quite boring. Especially I really miss my wife and my baby here in HK. Really can't wait to go home next Friday.

Nothing much to do other than shopping, shopping, clubbing, makan makan etc etc.

I am kind of feeling lonely here already. Lucky that I have my colleagues and friends here to keep me entertained. Can't wait to go home next Friday!

BTW, as I mentioned earlier, I am staying in a hotel near the famous funeral house in HK. ALL the big shots who were dead have to check into this "hotel" at least for a few nights - Leslie Cheong, Anita Mui, Roman........ all of them have been the guest here... My hotel is just next to this funeral house... Really, it gave me a chill during my first night stay here. Really scary. No joke, I had a weird dream during my first night here.

This is the hotel that I am currently staying right now. Well, is an okay hotel I must say. I am kind of sick of the food here, well... my meal is covered by the company. Thus, have to eat dinner here almost every single night. Expensive but lousy.
This is me with the hotel sign board.....
Check it out. This is my daily journey to the office. Just follow the red arrow and you can imagine that the walking journey to the office is not an easy one. Lucky that I watched Spiderman 1 and 2, and learn the trick about rock climbing.
Guess what? The beer here is DEAD CHEAP! A dozen of Budweiser cost only HK$79!!! which is about RM37++ I think. Hey, a 6 packs of Carlsberg already cost you RM36 lar in Malaysia.... Thus, I play drunken master kungfu with my new found friends from the funeral house almost everynight......
I must say that the quality of the newspaper here is amazing. So much more entertaining than Malaysia one. First - it cost about HK$4 for "The Sun" or HK$5 for the Apple daily, but what you pay for is almost as thick as the yellow pages (look at the pic here!). Almost 40% of the news are related to HK entertainment industry, especially those celebrities, and those female artists who were caught with their bra or underwear exposed! Now I understand why those artists hated those "doggie journalists". Is amazing that how they can come out with those made up stories - and is totally not trust worthy. Huh.... the most amazing part... see below....
They have the adults only section here. Can you believe it? The porn section.... wooo hooo.... men's heaven. These porn articles or juicy stories are available daily in the "horse racing" section. Mainly talk (or introduce) about the new prostitutes in town. Well... at least it gives me the motivation to read paper everyday.... ha ha.... never can find this in Malaysia..... Amazing. Wonder how the parents can control/prevent/(read togather) their kids from reading those section since is so widely available here in HK and this adult section is in almost every major newspapers....

More blog about my Hk trip ... stay tune...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Taylor Hicks Won It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!