Saturday, May 27, 2006

Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Part 1

Okay gang. Today is the 14th day I stayed in HK. I have been to HK for the n~th time but this trip is the longest I had stayed thus far...

Somehow, I realised that HK is a wonderful place to stay... but.... once you stay for a bit longer... HK can be quite boring. Especially I really miss my wife and my baby here in HK. Really can't wait to go home next Friday.

Nothing much to do other than shopping, shopping, clubbing, makan makan etc etc.

I am kind of feeling lonely here already. Lucky that I have my colleagues and friends here to keep me entertained. Can't wait to go home next Friday!

BTW, as I mentioned earlier, I am staying in a hotel near the famous funeral house in HK. ALL the big shots who were dead have to check into this "hotel" at least for a few nights - Leslie Cheong, Anita Mui, Roman........ all of them have been the guest here... My hotel is just next to this funeral house... Really, it gave me a chill during my first night stay here. Really scary. No joke, I had a weird dream during my first night here.

This is the hotel that I am currently staying right now. Well, is an okay hotel I must say. I am kind of sick of the food here, well... my meal is covered by the company. Thus, have to eat dinner here almost every single night. Expensive but lousy.
This is me with the hotel sign board.....
Check it out. This is my daily journey to the office. Just follow the red arrow and you can imagine that the walking journey to the office is not an easy one. Lucky that I watched Spiderman 1 and 2, and learn the trick about rock climbing.
Guess what? The beer here is DEAD CHEAP! A dozen of Budweiser cost only HK$79!!! which is about RM37++ I think. Hey, a 6 packs of Carlsberg already cost you RM36 lar in Malaysia.... Thus, I play drunken master kungfu with my new found friends from the funeral house almost everynight......
I must say that the quality of the newspaper here is amazing. So much more entertaining than Malaysia one. First - it cost about HK$4 for "The Sun" or HK$5 for the Apple daily, but what you pay for is almost as thick as the yellow pages (look at the pic here!). Almost 40% of the news are related to HK entertainment industry, especially those celebrities, and those female artists who were caught with their bra or underwear exposed! Now I understand why those artists hated those "doggie journalists". Is amazing that how they can come out with those made up stories - and is totally not trust worthy. Huh.... the most amazing part... see below....
They have the adults only section here. Can you believe it? The porn section.... wooo hooo.... men's heaven. These porn articles or juicy stories are available daily in the "horse racing" section. Mainly talk (or introduce) about the new prostitutes in town. Well... at least it gives me the motivation to read paper everyday.... ha ha.... never can find this in Malaysia..... Amazing. Wonder how the parents can control/prevent/(read togather) their kids from reading those section since is so widely available here in HK and this adult section is in almost every major newspapers....

More blog about my Hk trip ... stay tune...


Blogger evelyn said...

Before you post for your "Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Part 2", take a "commercial break"! :P

3:46 AM  
Blogger Frogigolo said...

Hey.... ha ha .... we are blogging at the same time again.

This time, you beat me to it!

4:04 AM  
Blogger evelyn said...

I thought I beat you too!! But, you see....your post appear before mine, even though I submit first. How come!!

5:34 PM  

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