Thursday, May 25, 2006

3D2N in HK/SZ

Arrived Hong Kong on 21 May, 12.15pm. Gosh, it was pauring! But some one told me good weather in HK, hm....still should trust Yahoo, I checked before going, and it showed that HK would hv rain/ thunderstorm for the next few days! Alas, didn't bring umbrella.

Due to budget constraint, I took Airbus A21 to go to the 'hotel' I booked.
Pretty straight forward, and in the bus, there was a LED display to show the place where the next bus stop was. Very clear, and you won't get lost if you know how to read Mandarine or English, and the name of the place that you are heading to.

It was still raining when I alighted from the bus, and had to walk a bit under the rain to finally find the exact location of the hotel. Strictly speaking, the hotel is less than 100m from the spot I alighted, but, too bad, it didn't hv a good signboard, thus I hv overshot and hv to ask someone to finally get to the place.
Guess what?! Got Wifi man! I managed to check my mail before going out at 3.00pm to meet up with Kow & PG. However, the room is extremely small, but, it is very new, and with very high standard of cleaniless, good enough for a budget traveller, asking for a short stay, but, actually not cheap for a Malaysian....HKD350 = RM175. We can ask for a much better hotel with this price in Malaysia.

I arrived at Jordon MTR station E exit, sharp sharp 3.00pm, and didn't see any sign of our old friends...huh, finally, a handsome & sporty-looking guy appeared in front of me, yes, he was our dearest friend, Kow! He dressed so 'ching chun', just like a scholl boy, or a 'guy-next-door', never can tell that he is already in his mid 30's, haha. He came from Stanley Bay with his friends, Raymond & wife. We decided to adjour to ESPRIT OUTLET for shopping!
Not bad a suggestion, I did buy something, that used up all my HKD cash.
Oh...forgot to mention, Dr.Yap was not feeling was, and thus, didn't join us.

Time to eat!! Yes, my first meal in HK, Raymond bought us to a 澳门茶餐室.
We had 猪扒猪仔包, and 烧味拼盘, sounds yummy, right?
Then after, we took a Star Ferry to Central, 中环.
As it was a Sunday, Central became a heaven for the Philipino maids.
They gathered in groups, setting up 'camp' at the sides of the walkways, picnicing, chit-chatting and playing card was so spectacular to see so many of them. I should hv taken a photo to share with you guys. It was comparable to the number of the motorbikes I saw in Hanoi/ HCM City, haha!

Where else to go when you were in Central? Of course, Lan Kwai Fong, 兰桂芳 la!
We had drinks while waiting for PG to arrive.
Alas, too bad it was raining again! Not much people hanging in Lan Kwai Fong, not to mention 靓仔靓女, none at all, what a disappointment!

We hopped from 1 pub to another, and finally waited for PG at THE CAVERN.

When PG arrived, it was about 7.30pm. We had a short stay in Lan Kwai Fong, while waiting for the rain to subtle, and the time to meet Sammi at Mongkok, 旺角 at 9.30pm.
Mongkok is where PG stays. Upon arriving at Mongkok, there were so many food stalls, restuarants... we couldn't help ourselves but to hv 1 stick of fish ball, 鱼蛋 each. It was very tasty and VERY spicy too. Me and Kow, ended up rushing to 7-11 to buy drinks to wash down the spiciness. Me couldn't talk for a while as the fish balls were just too spicy, and felt like my lips and tougue were burnt! Why PG didn't hv any problem?! She took the non-spicy one! Oh ya, Kow ate 1 pc of 臭豆腐 as well! Not sure how did it taste like, as I never tried.
Not done yet! As HK is the heaven for good food, how could me not get more? We went for porridge again before meeting Sammi.

By then, Kow started to shiver...he needed his 'drug' and deperately looking for the supplier! Yes, Sammi became the supplier of Kow's 'drug'. She got him 2 carton of Dunhil at discounted 'discounted price'! See how happy was he having the 1st cigarette.

Finally, four 30+ years old adults, meeting their long-lost primary school mates!
Can you tell the excitement from the photo?
Too bad, forgotten the put on the flash light when taking the photo.

How about another one! Hmm....also not very good.

We didn't really hv much time chatting with 4 of us around. Sammi left at 10.30pm to take care of her 'ducks' and Kow left about 11.00pm to report to Madam.
PG & I stayed till mid nite, and we seemed to hv endless topic to chat to each other.
I didn't expect that, 2 souls that had not met each other for over 20 years can still click! But, swear....I didn't ask for any free medical consultation from our Dr.Yap!

The next day, everybody had to go to work and I was wandering around in Nathan Road, shopping.
It was still raining, xian ah!
I checked out from the hotel at 12noon and went to Kwai Fong to meet up another friend there.
Kwai Fong is somewhere outskirt...but amazingly...I found some nice clothings with very reasonable price.
Had dinner with my friend, and he was so kind to accompany me to go Shenzhen as it was quite late after we finished our dinner.

Meeting & Product Training in Shenzhen was tiring, coz I didn't hv enough sleep for the past 2 nites. After the whole thing was over, we took a ferry from Shenzhen to Hong Kong airport directly, so convenient!

Seriously, it was a good trip meeting PG, Sammi & Kow in HK, as well as my another friend. Really appreciate that PG did come out despite she was sick; Sammi tried her best to sneak out while on duty, and Kow, supposed to go to Chang Zhou (if I remember correctly) on the Sunday we met. But, all of them made an effort to meet up! So touching...

But, I have to say that, we didn't really hv enough time. Hope I would hv chance to go HK again soon, and will sure spend more time in HK, meeting old friends and shopping too!


Blogger Frogigolo said...

This is the amazing power of staying in touch....

HK colleagues said: Kow, what are you going to do this weekend?

Me: Hey, do you belive it? I am having a primary school reunion here in HK?

HK colleagues (all of them): huh.... how amazing? You still keep in contact with your primary school friends? That must have been donkey years ago?

Me: Yeah. Amazing isn't it? Do you have anyone in contact for your primary school mates?

HK colleagues (all of them): NO! never keep in contact! Amazing! How did you do that?

Me: Well.... first of all, we meet at least once a year at least. Now that we have a blog, we meet almost everyday. Do you believe that we have a blog for our gathering?

HK Colleagues: You guys are amazing! We in HK never meet up after we go to high school!

Me: Well, friendship is something one dying for but never get right? I'm glad to have this bunch of friends here by my side. They are great! Start looking for one ok?

HK colleagues: Amazing... really amazing, we can't even remember their names...

9:28 AM  
Blogger Frogigolo said...

Hey, I am always that "Ching Choon" and best looking guy in the universe okay?!?!?!

It was really amazing meeting with WL, Sammi (in particular!!!!) and PG that night in a foreign soil.

Amazing. A friendship that lasted for more than 20 years is no where to find. Same goes to everyone in KL.... Appreciate it and value it.

9:33 AM  
Blogger sammi said...

Me too.. me too ... everytime when i tell my friend i m meeting with my primary school mate, their mouth will open 'BIG BIG' and ask "Huh! primary school mate woh?"

Yea!! appreciate & value it.

WL/PG/Kow: Lucky we didnt meet up at Knutsfurd, i ended 12.30am that night.

6:36 AM  

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